Our lives are all different in how we approach our needs and goals and of course how our priorities are factored into the “equation.”
“Equation” is an interesting term and an oft created mantra that our life can be completely (or even partially) figured out. That we can shape it the way we want. This is seen in our education system, when we think we have to make decisions or outline a path for a person who may not have the mental capacity to understand their surrounding (and life) till well that date when they are “supposed” to graduate. The same goes for this belief that we must be “retired” by a certain age, become less productive and ultimately for most, likely less engaged with their community.
How do the experts, advisors, consultants really know this? I certainly don’t. And I definitely would not wager that I even know what is going to happen a week from now in this complicated world order or disrorder. The road is not always so direct.
In my architectural profession, we are often creating or integrating our actions with a Master Plan or a Strategic Plan. This is important, for guidance. However, there is so much misunderstanding what this means and how it should be used. These are “Plans,” or guidelines, not mandates. They were created at a specific point in time where we had certain knowns, but then are projecting the future (as we understand it at this specific point in time). With each period of time or even brief moment, Plans can and should change/evolve in order to be current and relevant.
What does this mean to the Life Balance topic?
Most of us understand that things don’t always go as planned, but fail to recognize that this is not always a bad thing. We are not in control of so much in life, so we need to be able to be nimble and pivot. We also need to utilize our diverse set of experiences and adopt critical thinking skills in order to address the challenges and opportunities when they occur.
I have tried to live this life, along with my dear partner and wife, Helen Lee. We have had many experiences to learn from, including some very low moments, but by not pidgeonholing ourselves, we can help ourselves process and pivot.
STL MADE coverage. STL MADE is an initiative of Greater St. Louis Inc.
We were honored to have been selected by STL Made for a feature that provided some insights into our lives…at this moment in time.
Interestingly, as we interviewed, we both had in mind that we had a “Plan” toward when we were going to retire. But with each passing day and experience, we are increasingly recognizing that this date is mostly arbritrary, based on just an equation encouraged by societele beliefs.
Stay tuned.