Professional Work

My “Professional Work” references the work I have conducted with the MIssouri Historical Society, in the form of presentations, writings and research, as well as presentations and lectures to many other organizations.

It is my hope that I will continue to present, lecture and publish.

Missouri Historical Society chinese american collecting initiative

The Missouri Historical Society’s St. Louis Chinese American Collection Initiative

was created in partnership with members of our region’s diverse Chinese American community to research, record and preserve a part of St. Louis history that reaches back to the mid-19th century.

Through hard work by a small group of Community Members, the reach of the Initiative is ever-increasing, with individuals and institutions reaching out from around the country. It is a real joy of fulfullment when you discover that the hard work put in is helping others discover their history and even family members.

Photo below: Christopher Gordon, Missouri Historical Society Director of Library and Collections, with Dr. Min Liu at an informational table at the annual Chinese Culture Days festival at the Missouri Botanical Garden.

The idea of collecting this history and telling stories of the Chinese American in St. Louis began when I planted an idea, in 2017, to the MHS. It was well received, then fully kicked off in May 2021.

Here is a video of the the Kick-Off Presentation, Stories of Chinese St. Louis: William and Anne Tao.

As we accumulated new information, it was time to go public, in the form of a Blog Series, kicking off in December 2022.

All Blogs can be found on this here and the community is welcome to submit and contribute a story. More stories need to be told.

The following are the Blogs that I have written for the MHS. Enjoy!

MHS Blog Series

Other Written works